睡眠呼吸機能に関するもの 多数
◎包括歯科医療対応の矯正歯科治療(共著)東京臨床出版 2005年
◎睡眠学 第2版 日本睡眠学会編集 (共著)朝倉書店 2020年
10 major publications
- Ueda H, Ishizuka Y, Miyamoto K, Morimoto N, Tanne K. Relationship between masticatory muscle activity and vertical craniofacial morphology. Angle Orthod 68, 233-238., 1998
- Ueda H, Miyamoto K, Saifuddin MD, Ishizuka Y, Tanne K. Masticatory muscle activity in children and adults with different facial types. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 118, 63-68., 2000
- Ueda H, Kato M, Saifuddin M, Tabe H, Yamaguchi K, Tanne K. Differences in the fatigue of masticatory and neck muscles between male and female. J Oral Rehabil 29, 575-582., 2002
- Ueda H, Tabe H, Kato M, Nagaoka K, Nakashima Y, Shikata N, Tanne K. Effects of activator on masticatory muscle activity during daytime and sleep. J Oral Rehabil 30, 1030-1035., 2003
- Nakata Y, Ueda H, Kato M, Tabe H, Shikata-Wakisaka N, Matsumoto E, Koh M, Tanaka E, Tanne K.Changes in stomatognathic function induced by orthognathic surgery in patients with mandibular prognathism. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 65, 444-451., 2007
- Ueda H, Almeida FR, Lowe AA, Ruse D. Changes in occlusal contact area during oral appliance therapy assessed on study models. Angle Orthod 78, 866-872., 2008
- Ueda H, Almeida FR, Chen H, Lowe AA. Effect of two jaw exercises on occlusal function in obstructive sleep apnea patients during oral appliance therapy-A randomized controlled trial. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 135, 430-437., 2009
- Ueda H, Watanabe G, Horihata A, Koh M, Tanne K.Short-term change in occlusal function after using mandibular advancement appliance for snoring: A pilot study Sleep Disorders, 7 pages., 2012
- Ueda H, Matsumura Y, Horihata A, Concepción C, Iwai K, Tanimoto K.Influence of oral appliances for mandibular advancement on dentitions using a strain gauge analysis. A pilot study: Sleep Disorders 5 pages., vol. 2017
- Miura S, Ueda H, Iwai K, Concepcion Medina C, Ishida E, Kunimatsu R, Tanimoto K. MasticatoryFunction Assessment of Adult Patients With Cleft Lip and Palate After Orthodontic Treatment. Cleft Palate Craniofac J. 59, 390-398., 2022
第60回日本矯正歯科学会大会 学術大会優秀発表賞 受賞(共同発表)
第15回アメリカ歯科睡眠学会大会 最優秀ポスター発表賞 受賞
41th Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists 学術大会優秀ポスター発表賞 受賞(共同発表)
45th Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists 学術大会優秀ポスター発表賞 受賞(共同発表)
第72回日本矯正歯科学会大会 学術大会優秀発表賞 受賞(共同発表) 47th Annual Scientific Congress of Korean Association of Orthodontists学術大会優秀ポスター発表賞 受賞(共同発表)
第74回日本矯正歯科学会大会 学術大会優秀口演発表賞 受賞(共同発表)